The new European style referendum that get’s our vote!
We might have turned our backs on the EU, but we fashionistas are always going to have our heads turned by those stylish continentals.
This week in the shop we’ve had a little tete a tete about the distinctly European flavours that have hit the rails.
We were all onto that paper bag trend pre-Christmas when our sell out pleathers opened our eyes to a new way to do trousers. For those of us conscious of curvy thighs, the straight leg gives a super flattering silhouette, whilst the high waist makes it easy to achieve that one third/ two third styling rule, guaranteed to give you extra height and elegance. The tie belt, which gives the paper bag style it’s shape, epitomises laid back euro chic. Give it a cheeky French tuck with your top and TaDa! you’ve nailed that effortless continental style you didn’t even know you needed. Congrats!
It was a game changing moment for many of us over Christmas and now that our favourite jeans brand, Toxic has delivered a denim version of the paper bags, we know how we will be spending our pay day pennies this week :)
If full on Francais is a bit too much for you, the new line in our ever popular tunics appear to offer a softer Brexit! That classic English staple leopard print has more than a hint of Neapolitan Riviera about it, thanks to a fresh update in delicious ice cream hues. Our mouths are literally watering for these fresh new Spring colours and there’s already a waiting list for the gelato inspired baby chord tunics landing this weekend.
Looking North to our Scandinavian style sisters, the new drop off of patterned Maxi dresses from dream Danish designer Sofie Schnoor delivers a great way to transition from Winter to Spring. You may have caught us on social media exploring different ways to wear them so that you get maximum value for money from our premium brand. If not, head to our Facebook page and let us know what you think. We always love to hear how our #MooMates put their unique twist on their new season staples, so please share your new wardrobe wins with us on Instagram @moobouyorks or Facebook @mooboutiqueyorkshire.
Well that’s another week done and the most difficult month of the year in the bag too. Goodbye, Adios, Au Revoir Dry January, Veganuary and anything else that was sent to make it more trying than it already was!
Here’s to a new, independent chapter.
We got this!